
Welcome to the NEB® Podcast Series, Lessons from Lab & Life™

NEB_podcast_icon_White The NEB podcast series, Lessons from Lab & Life, is dedicated to sharing helpful life lessons from successful scientists. From an overview of cutting edge research to finding sources of inspiration, our podcasts can be enjoyed by science enthusiasts that like to ponder “what it all means”. Listen as leading researchers draw lessons from where scientific concepts (and misconceptions) have come from, where they are now, and where they are headed in the not-too-distant future. If you’ve got 20 minutes, we’ve got a story that just might interest you..

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NEB Podcast Episode #12 -
Interview with Sustainable Science Experts: Panel Discussion from Go Green Symposium

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Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Duration: 27:40 min

Featuring: Allison Paradise, CEO of My Green Lab®; Quentin Gilly, Senior Sustainability Officer, Harvard University; Suzanne Wood, Sustainability & Energy Manager, UMass Medical School; Ali Safavi, President & CEO, Grenova®, Schuyler Stuart, Account Manager, Triumvirate Environmental® & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

A panel of experts in research laboratory sustainable practices discuss cost effective and eco-friendly strategies for dealing with life science lab waste. Get the latest on ways to green your lab at www.labconscious.com

NEB Podcast Episode #11 -
Interview with Andy Bertera: NEB Passion in Science Awards®

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Posted: Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Duration: 17:51 min

Featuring: Andy Bertera, Executive Director of Marketing and Sales, New England Biolabs & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Andy Bertera explains how the Passion in Science Awards® were conceived to celebrate New England Biolabs’ 40th anniversary, and shares stories of a few of his favorite winners from previous award ceremonies. Learn more about the Passion in Science Awards at www.nebpassioninscience.com.

NEB Podcast Episode #10 -
Interview with Scott Chimileski: Microbes are Everywhere!

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Posted: Thursday, November 29, 2018

Duration: 22:53 min

Featuring: Scott Chimileski, Post-doctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Scott Chimileski is a Postdoc at Harvard Medical School, a photographer and 2016 Passion in Science Awards™ winner. Hear how Scott’s science mentor selection and careful planning have led to early career success studying microbes and sharing his work through art.

NEB Podcast Episode #9 -
Interview with Bill Jack: The History and Impact of Molecular Cloning

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Posted: Friday, October 26, 2018

Duration: 17:46 min

Featuring: Bill Jack, Senior Scientist, New England Biolabs & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Bill Jack is a senior scientists at NEB, and has been in the cloning field for more than 35 years. He describes the history of molecular cloning and how it impacts science and medicine today.

NEB Podcast Episode #8 -
Interview with Tom Knight: The Future of Synthetic Biology

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Posted: Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Duration: 26:11 min

Featuring: Tom Knight, co-Founder of Ginkgo Bioworks & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Tom Knight was among the first designers of bitmap displays and ITS operating systems. Then, he decided to apply what he knew about electrical engineering and computer science to biology, and he became known as the ‘Godfather of Synthetic Biology.’ Tom is one of the co-founders of Ginkgo Bioworks, a synthetic biology company in Cambridge, Massachusetts, developing new organisms that replace technology with biology.

NEB Podcast Episode #7 -
Interview with Greg Patton: PCR in Food Safety Testing and Point of Care Diagnostics

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Posted: Monday, August 27, 2018

Duration: 21:31 min

Featuring: Gregory Patton, Development Scientist III, New England Biolabs & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Greg Patton is a development scientist at NEB, who routinely uses PCR in the lab. He explains how PCR is currently being used outside the lab to monitor food safety, and in doctor’s offices to test for HIV infection and much more.

NEB Podcast Episode #6 -
Interview with Aaron Pomerantz: Where do butterflies get their color?

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Posted: Monday, July 30, 2018

Duration: 16:41 min

Featuring: Aaron Pomerantz, Ph.D. candidate, Integrative Biology Department, University of California, Berkeley & Lydia Morrison, NEB Marketing Communications Writer & Podcast Host

Aaron Pomerantz shares the creative way he has combined his interest in entomology and field research with his passion for self-made discoveries, in the Integrative Biology department at UC Berkeley.

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About your host:


Lydia Morrison
NEB Marketing Communications Writer

Lydia is a scientist by training and a communicator by nature, and has a knack for asking one too many questions.

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